Day 1: In an alternate universe where I own a hair salon, of course it would have to have something to with having red hair. 
Day 2: Because there's always time for coffee.
Day 3: For paper, paint, elephants and more, come to your local craft store!
Day 4: The student run bank at Dickinson High School needed an update.
Day 5:Be a man.Level up.
Day 6: Noble Stag Studios. Art for kings
Day 7: D.H. Photography. I asked a friend for a logo idea and she said she always wanted her own photography studio. And so, here we are.
Day 8 : Pear Online Dating. Avoid low hanging fruit.
Day 9: Steamy Tea. Of course, you can drink it cold, too.
Day 10: For Love of Hats
Day 11: Maestro Music Editing Software
Day 12: Maestro Music Editing Software. An idea so nice, I designed it twice
Day 13: Blue Kahuna Pottery. I probably over did this one, a real logo would have to be a little more simple than this but there's something to be said about practice with the pen tool. 
Day 14: Amethyst. 
Day 15: Starter
Day 16: Fat Cat Productions
Day 17 Sunshine Cupcakes
Day 18 Watercolor Winery
Day 19: Sketchy Vineyard
Day 20 The FishBowl Bar
Day 21 That Coffee Smell
Day 22 Succulents & Co.
Day 23: Eagle Logo
Day 24: Bristles Painting Studio
Day 25 Northwestern Root Beer
30 Day of Logos


30 Day of Logos
